Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Father Daughter Relationships, Part 2

It is often said that girls see all men through the lens of the relationship they have with their father. I think it is true that there is something unique about the role that only a father can fulfill. In his book, Bringing Up Girls, James Dobson reminds us that self worth for girls depends heavily on their relationship with their dads. This relationship is so important in teaching our daughters how to relate to men.

For our daughters, I pray daily that they will marry someone just like their daddy. I want him to be the one they compare all boys and men to in their future.

It’s funny, though, because when I have to leave the house and the girls stay with dad, you’d think their world was ending and that it was the worst thing to make them do. Or when daddy insists that they come with him (usually so I can have some alone time), you’d think it was the most miserable thing for them.

But you know what? They ALWAYS return happy.

My girls love the attention they get from their daddy. Some of my favorites are how my husband whistles at them after they’ve gotten dressed or I’ve just done their hair, the way he whisks them away to the park, or how he is always making up silly songs and telling outrageous tales.

Yet as much fun as he is, they always respond to his correction. They respect him and know they must obey him.

But they also know he loves them. I like to watch the girls and my husband interact… they truly have a special bond.

When they were little, I would purposefully tell them, “Go show Daddy!” or “Go tell Daddy!” My intention was to get them in the habit of sharing their excitement with Daddy.

Now I don’t need to remind them anymore. They just love going to him, sharing with him, and spending time together.

My girls are blessed to have such a loving, godly father who shows them and tells them not only how much he loves them but how much God loves them, too.


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