Friday, October 22, 2010

No More Drama

Our class decided that a slumber party would be a fun way to bond and get to know each other better. There is something that you all need to know about me. I love my girls, I love to have fun, I love parties…I hate slumber parties. The idea made my body cringe. I tend to hallucinate after 2 a.m. and by 4 a.m. I am of no use to anyone. So we decided to have an afternoon slumber party – thank you girls!

We set the party from three in the afternoon to nine in the evening. Everyone wore their pajamas and brought their favorite snacks. We decorated everything in girl colors and declared it a "Drama Free Zone."

We started the party by sitting in a circle together. I gave each girl a colorful beaded necklace with a printed card attached to it with the word" Drama." We talked about what drama is and what drama does and how we don't need it in our lives. We then ceremoniously ripped the card off the necklace and threw it in the trash can. I then pointed out that without the drama we were left with beauty (our necklace). This set the tone and the boundaries for the rest of the event.

We played several games----with no drama.
We did hair and make-up----with no drama.
We ate-----with no drama.
At one point, toward the end of the night, one of the games got a little competitive. Drama began to come out in attitudes and out of mouths. At that moment, three of the girls in charge of the games approached me and had realized the game was going in the wrong direction. They went back, changed the game, and got everyone back on track. They got it! They understood the peace that comes from being in a drama free zone.

So what did we accomplish with this slumber party?  I witnessed girls becoming leaders.  I watched girls reach out to other girls and get them involved. Girls formed bonds that can only be formed by spending time outside of the classroom and with a freedom to get to know people outside your own circle. And we established a boundary in our drama.
I encourage all of us: Let’s take the unnecessary drama out of our lives. No more gossip. No more making situations bigger than they are. No more leaving people out. No more pettiness. No more getting involved in things that don't concern us. No more stirring things up to get an emotional response. No More Drama!
Kristi Morales is a Bible teacher at Master's Academy who is using Jody's Christian Charm Course for Girls in her all girls Bible class this year. She expressed her appreciation for the book and agreed to contribute her thoughts on the lives of her girls and her Bible class throughout the school year.

1 comment:

  1. This party was Amazing!!!!!!! You didn't have to worie about someone talking about you or anything it was pure and simple FUN I would recomend this kind of party (drama free zone) for anyone. And it was cool to see the other girl in a non school setting :)
