Monday, October 25, 2010

Created for a Purpose

The following quotation does not come from one of the adult authors of this blog.  It is not Jody Capehart the author, Karen the mother-blogger, or Kristi the teacher.  It comes from Dominque, one of the students in Kristi’s girls’ Bible class using Jody’s Charm Course for Girls.  And it is a testimony to the impact had on the lives of girls from people who care about their character.

“Life is a race and sometimes you feel like you can't finish.  You need friends to pick you up and carry you to the finish line.  In our Bible class I am learning how to be a woman of God and how many girls hurt and need someone just to listen.  So many of us get so caught up in what we want that we forget about others.  So many girls don't understand their worth and that the world needs them just the way they are.  If we could just stop focusing on ourselves but on other people, we can change lives.  God created all of us for a purpose.”

-Dominique, (Student Body President)


  1. Dear Dominique,
    Thank you for sharing this. You inspire each of us with your wise leadership gifts. I would love to come and have lunch with your class and meet you in person one day. From everything I read about what you are doing in class with your excellent teacher, you girls are growing into beautiful young ladies who are ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you! Mrs. Capehart

  2. This bible class is actually helping me alot and I know when I first heard this I was like really! but now I understand what this is about and Iam getting good use out of it Iam enjoying this bible class.

  3. Great Blog!! This has inspired me to look out for people like my friends. so thank you i will defentally be checking for your blogs..i feel like you get what girls go though...
    ~ Elizabeth
